The only companion you'll ever
need for SF6, SFV & GGST
The only companion you'll ever need for SF6, SFV & GGST
Frame Data, Moves Lists, Calculators, FAT does it all!
Try it for free today, no ads, no pro mode
Frame Data, Moves Lists, Calculators, FAT does it all! Try it for free today, no ads, no pro mode
FAT Features
Frame Data
FAT Delivers frame data faster and with more accuracy that anything else out there, with new characters' data added swiftly
Moves Lists
FAT's Move List section shows each character's move list in an easy to read format, including a simple way to see any extra moves you gain in V-Trigger
Combos & Tech
Need a way to quick start a new character? Combos & Tech is the mode you've been waiting for! Punsihes, BnBs and more
What truly sets FAT apart from it's competitors is it's series of unique calculators. They'll help you create meaties, punishes and tons more
Open Source
FAT's entire code base is open source, including the frame data files! Do something cool with FAT, or contribute to the project!
FAT is developed by D4RK ONION, and is updated for free and without ads. You're free to pick up a sweet theme within the app if you feel it's helped